Hello, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Richard. Some of you already know me at first hand through my own blog. Others may have seen the odd comment by me in another place but to many I'll be a complete and utter stranger even though I've been around for a long, long year. I would imagine though that all of you, every single man jack bar none of you, will have been surprised to see me cropping up in the life of the woman currently dozing (somewhat noisily, it has to be said. That's my rations gone) but nevertheless still looking delectable on my sofa.
I will admit that I too am among your number. I haven't a sodding clue how she got here either other than that I asked her if she'd like to and she said yes. Yes, sometimes it's that bloody easy. A bit of a boon after you've only ever experienced long-term relationships and hadn't actually asked anyone out on a date in the conventionally accepted manner since 1979. Her particular circumstances rendered the distance between us immediately redundant as well. And it looks like she's here to stay, too. Which is nice. Well, not stay here, she has way too much stuff as she's a woman and this house is very small but she's getting a place down the road. That's nice, too. She chose it specifically because of its inherent shedability, too. She's so caring and considerate.
Maybe it's been in the fates for decades. Several years ago I revealed to Zoe on her previous blog that for the same seven years during the 1970s we had gone to school in the same town. And not just the same town, during school hours for those seven years we were no more than about 600 yards apart, more or less along the same road. We witnessed the same events and I even walked past her school every day on my way home to the bus station. Of course, I was a grammar/comprehensive school tit and she was at the posh school with the heliotrope blazers and the felt cloche hats (I really am living on my wits now) so we never mingled; although I'd like to think that our paths may have crossed from time to time and that hers may have been among the pairs of fit young legs trotting back from the hockey fields across Mace Lane to have occasionally stolen my gaze away from my copy of Sounds magazine.
I am horrendously happy and feel insanely lucky and privileged that this lovely woman has decided sharing our lives is a good idea. It certainly feels fine to me and I can't thank her enough. Oh yeah.
That is all.
A sleeping Beauty !Seeing her smile so much and using the word happy a lot is wonderful. In my eyes she's wearing a tiara every day.
Pleased to meet you, think I guessed your name.
But what's troubling me
Is the nature of her game
Wooh wooh!
How do you do, Richard? - we haven't met, although we do play cricket on the same team.
Yes, we are all very happy and all for you, but beware of using heliotrope as an adjective or any use of the word cloche. She will have you watching Lawrence instead of his brother Jim, and you'll be spending more time than is healthy (i.e. "any") at Homebase.
wv = solenest. I think I am going to be sick.
Alistair, Yay indeed.
Judy, she hasn't actually read this yet so I'm still able to write.
Z, Good morning
Vicus, Lawrence was on telly yesterday evening in a documentary. We have been to B & Q.
You sod.
No, no, Zoe, he likes you.
Oh, right. Thanks for setting me right, GG. The bit about the shed is totally wrong though.
Z: Be careful. This one sounds almost as bad at the last. Your blog title may end up as "My New Boyfriend is Another Twat"!
Just in case, you did bring along the Holstein Handbag full of jelly that you once threatened Auntie Marianne with, didn't you? If not, let me know Coralie and Tatiana's e-mail addys. I'll ask them to replicate it for their first visits to their Mum's new palatial estate. Either that or I'll Google Bridport to find a shop that carries them and will ship one to Crewe. . .;-)!
Love to Hermie,
Anonymous, too
Anon, too - all men are twats, no need to post about yet another one;) Besides, Andy makes being a twat look like an Olympic sport.
Ahem. What did you just call me???
Have you been in the cheap plonk again? You know it can't be good for your health if Waitrose is selling it at 3 liters for 50p.
P.S.: With all due respect to Q, I thought he said he couldn't have done it without help. (ducks, covers head, goes from 0 to Warp Factor 4 in 0.5 secs)
Aw... Richard, have you heard of those nifty strips you can stick on the nose of snorers for a quiet night?
Can I just say I'm smiling. Thanks, and well done both.
All that stuff about your schooldays is just smokescreen, you know. I suspect the real reason you got together is that you finally found a woman who may understand the word 'shedability'.
Apologies for being a bit slow on the uptake...
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